Saturday, February 01, 2014

American Heart

American Heart (1993) starring Jeff Bridges, Edward Furlong, Lucinda Jenney, Tracey Kapisky. Just released from prison, Jack (Bridges) finds himself tracked down by his son, Nick (Furlong). Jack doesn't know much about being a father, but Nick is in desperate need of a father figure in his life. They form an uneasy truce, and end up sharing a flop-house apartment. Jack is determined to stay on the straight and narrow, but Nick doesn't know any better and starts stealing. This is a sobering drama of a movie about what it's like to be down-and-out in modern America (it's set in Seattle). Bridges and Furlong both turn in excellent performances. (Subtitles in English are not available on this bare-bones disc, but closed captions are provided.) Grade: B+

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