Friday, February 14, 2014

All is Lost

All is Lost (2013) starring Robert Redford. A man near the end of his life (Redford) finds himself stranded aboard his sailboat, which has sustained damage in a collision with a floating storage container. We watch him as he mentally figures out each step in the process of trying to survive, while there is a minimum of dialogue (just a little monologue). Redford proves his ability to command the screen, and he is on camera for virtually every shot of the  movie. It's a harrowing experience, as his boat slowly disintegrates and he is forced to resort to the life raft, and has to work out  problems such as how to get drinkable water and food to insure his survival. The movie keeps us under suspense -- we are in doubt up to the very end as to whether he will survive or not. It's an absorbing film, though I wouldn't exactly say I was entertained. (English subtitles for the hearing-impaired are available on the disc.) Grade: B 

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