Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Flat

The Flat (2011) by Arnon Goldfinger. After his grandmother dies in Israel, filmmaker Goldfinger takes part in the task of sorting her possessions. Among the many things she has saved he finds a relic of his grandmother's life in Germany before World War II. She and her husband were good friends with a Nazi official named von Mildenstein who, during the war, worked for Goebbels' propaganda ministry. Incredibly, the Tuchlers and the von Mildensteins renewed their friendship after the war. Goldfinger is puzzled by this, and troubled. How could his Jewish grandparents have been friends with a Nazi official? In this film he tries to answer the question, but at the end he is not able to get anyone in von Mildenstein's family to confirm that he was a pretty high-ranking Nazi. This is certainly an interesting movie, though it will prove somewhat sedate for many tastes. It's in a variety of languages with good English subtitles. Grade: B

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