Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tim's Vermeer

Tim's Vermeer (2014), documentary. Produced and directed by Penn and Teller. Tim Jenison, an inventor and old friend of producer Penn Jillette, had a theory that Johannes Vermeer, the 17th-century Dutch painter, may have used technological means to achieve the photorealistic effects in his paintings. Jenison, as documented in this film, went on to demonstrate just how this might have been done, and he is certainly very convincing. He actually built an optical device that allowed him, avowedly not a painter, to re-create a painting by Vermeer in phenomenal detail. The film is fascinating, although at times it moves a bit slowly. At 80 minutes, it is certainly not overlong. (English subtitles for the hearing-impaired are available, and are highly legible.) Grade: B

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