Friday, December 20, 2013

The World's End

The World's End (2013) starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Rosamund Pike, Paddy Considine, Martin Freeman, Eddie Marsan, Pierce Brosnan. Five buddies set out to relive their high-school days by going back to their home town and doing a pub crawl to 12 drinking establishments, ending with a pub called The World's End. But their quest leads them into surprising territory, as they find that their home town has been taken over by aliens who intend to conquer the Earth. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Unfortunately, it's just a toss-off of a movie, with cheap special effects and a weak script. There is some humor to be found in some of the friends' interactions, but it is seldom really funny, unless you think getting drunk is inherently funny -- which I don't. The aliens, in particular, are rather lame. They are extremely fragile, and their heads and limbs pop off rather easily in a fight. Their blood is blue, in case you're curious. Altogether, a disappointing movie. (English subtitles are available for the hearing-impaired.) Grade: B-  

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