Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Stories We Tell

Stories We Tell (2012) Documentary. Directed by Sarah Polley. The stories in question are Polley's family stories, the stories told by her siblings and her father about her late mother. The big reveal in this movie is that Polley's father Michael was not her biological father; she discovered in her 20s that her biological father was a man whom her mother had met while acting in a play in Montreal (the family lived in Toronto).  I found this movie mildly interesting, but hardly earthshaking. To Polley it must seem like a big deal that her father was not her biological father, but in today's society it seems like a commonplace. The film is well produced and clearly plotted, so it is something of a pleasure to watch. (Subtitles in English are available, as well as closed captions.) Grade: B

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