Friday, September 27, 2013

Dog Day Afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon (1975) starring Al Pacino, John Cazale, Charles Durning, James Broderick, Chris Sarandon. Directed by Sidney Lumet. Sonny (Pacino) and Sal (Cazale) team up to try and rob a bank, and it turns into a media circus when all the police show up. It turns out that Sonny is doing it to try and get money for his homosexual lover's (Sarandon) sex-change operation. Durning and Broderick play cops who try to negotiate with Sonny for the release of hostages that Sonny and Sal are holding in the bank. It's a pretty entertaining movie, thanks to Pacino's performance as the conflicted Sonny. (Subtitles in English are available, as well as closed captions.) Grade: B+ 

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