Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Take Shelter

Take Shelter (2011) starring Michael Shannon, Jessica Chastain. Curtis (Shannon) starts having disturbing, apocalyptic dreams and feeling sick; he thinks he may be going crazy. Soon his wife Samantha (Chastain) begins to agree with him -- after he starts building a gigantic storm shelter in their back yard. To top it all off, his bizarre behavior gets him fired from his job. The whole movie seems designed to show that yes, he is losing his mind. Then, and I don't want to spoil anything, but there's a not-unexpected twist at the end of the film. It's the ending I was hoping for, but I felt that it was under-written -- maybe they didn't have the special effects budget they needed, I don't know, but the ending wasn't spelled out quite as I would've liked. Otherwise, this is a very interesting film. Chastain, by the way, is very alluring. The disc comes with excellent subtitles, but no closed captions. Grade: B

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