Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense (1999) starring Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Olivia Williams, Toni Collette. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Spoiler alert -- Do not read this review if you haven't seen the movie. This is Shyamalan's famous first movie, in which young Cole (Osment) sees dead people. Willis stars as a child psychologist named Malcolm Crowe who is shot early in the film by an ex-patient. Afterward he starts appearing to Cole, not realizing that he, Malcolm, is dead. I've seen this movie several times, and it always pulls me in by the end. Willis is good, but young Osment steals the show. He is preternaturally convincing in the role of a boy who sees dead people, and is terrified by the experience. He was nominated for a Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance. The film has a series of climaxes, each more intense than the one before, until finally the big "twist" is revealed -- and it's a doozy. The DVD includes subtitles for the hearing impaired, as well as closed captions. Grade: A

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