Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sink the Bismarck!

Sink the Bismarck! (1960) starring Kenneth More, Dana Wynter. In 1941, during World War II, Germany launches the Bismarck, a mammoth battleship that outclasses anything the British can send against it. The orders come down from the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill: "Sink the Bismarck." Movie is pretty straightforward, really, with not much nuance, and simple plot. In actuality, it only took seven days from the time the Bismarck was launched until it was sunk. The sea battles are interesting to watch. The British were flying World War I-era biplanes off of aircraft carriers, which torpedoed the Bismarck from the air. After the great battleship was crippled, it was finished off by surface ships. Subtitles in English are available, as well as closed captions. Grade: B

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