Saturday, April 23, 2011

Runaway Jury

Runaway Jury (2003) starring John Cusack, Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, Rachel Weisz. A woman sues a gun manufacturer after her husband is killed in a mass slaying in New Orleans. Hackman plays a big-time jury consultant hired by the gun companies to insure a win in the trial. Hoffman plays the lawyer for the plaintiff. Cusack has a lead role as Juror No. 9, someone who pretends he doesn't want to be on the jury but in fact has an agenda of his own. To call what happens in this movie "jury tampering" would be an understatement. The believability quotient of this film is pretty low -- typical of a movie based on a John Grisham novel -- but it's an entertaining view, and the actors are top-notch. The DVD comes with subtitles in English, and also has closed captions for the hearing-impaired. Grade: B+

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