Friday, April 01, 2011

The Road Warrior (DVD)

The Road Warrior (1981) starring Mel Gibson. Australian sequel to "Mad Max" finds Max (Gibson) driving through a post-Apocalyptic wasteland where the most valuable commodity is gasoline. When he comes upon a self-sufficient refinery in the middle of the wasteland, he tries to bargain for gasoline, but is taken captive instead. Soon, however, he strikes a bargain with the refinery people: He will bring them a tractor to pull their trailer full of gasoline, and they will give him back his car and all the fuel he can carry. The road crazies in this film are surprisingly contemporary looking: Spiked hair, hair in different colors, outrageous outfits -- they have it all. Looks like something out of a Lady Gaga video. The villains are especially heinous (as they should be), and the tribulations of "normal" people are tough. The action scenes, especially the final chase scene, are exciting and well-staged. The script has substance to it. It's a B picture, but a good one. The DVD offers subtitles as well as closed captions. Grade: B

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