Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vincere (DVD)

Vincere (2009) starring Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Fillipo Timi. Vincere means "win" or "to win" in Italian. This movie tells the story of Ida Dalser (Mezzogiorno), an attractive woman who falls in love with the young Benito Mussolini (Timi). In 1914, they meet and get married, but World War I separates them, and Mussolini (gasp!) marries another woman. Ida begs him to acknowledge her as his wife, and her son as his son, but Mussolini and the Fascists have other ideas. When she insists that she is Mussolini's wife, mother to his first-born son, they shut her away in a mental hospital. What's worse, they take her son away from her. Even though there was a language barrier (this movie is in Italian, with English subtitles), I felt that this was a powerful film which told a tragic story. It must have had strong resonance in Italy, since it dealt with a shameful chapter of Italian history, and was made there. The subtitles are adequate. Grade: A-

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