Saturday, February 13, 2010

Julia (DVD)

Julia (1977) starring Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, Jason Robards, Hal Holbrook, Maximilian Schell. On the heels of her first play's success, playwright Lillian Hellman (Fonda) journeys to Europe, where her friend Julia (Redgrave) enlists her help in antifascist activities. Julia wants Lillian to travel through Berlin on her way from Paris to Moscow -- a considerable risk, since Lillian is Jewish, and Hitler has risen to power. Travel in those days (the '30s) was mainly by rail, and the train ride from Paris to Berlin and beyond is harrowing. The film was nominated for several Oscars, and won three. Meryl Streep has a brief appearance -- her first movie role. The subtitles are unobtrusive. Grade: A

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