Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Cold Souls (DVD)

Cold Souls (2009) starring Paul Giamatti, Emily Watson, Dina Korzun, David Strathairn, Lauren Ambrose. To begin with, you have to accept the premise that the technology exists to extract a human soul -- and that the subject goes on living after his or her soul has been removed. Giamatti plays an actor named Paul Giamatti who decides that his soul is weighing too heavily on him, and he decides to have it removed and stored by a company called Soul Storage. He soon comes to regret his decision, but his soul has gone missing. He rents the soul of a Russian poet instead. Meanwhile, there is a sub-plot concerning the illegal trafficking in souls by the Russian mob. Turns out, the Russians have stolen Giamatti's soul -- not a pleasant prospect, when you think about it. The movie is intermittently amusing, mostly entertaining, but ultimately pointless. The subtitles are barely adequate -- but kudos to the disc-makers for including subtitles for the hearing-impaired. Grade: C+

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