Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Wedding Singer

The Wedding Singer (1998) starring Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore. Sandler plays Robbie, a formerly aspiring musician who has been reduced to singing at weddings and bar mitzvahs. Jilted at the altar, he soon meets Julia (Barrymore), a cute girl who is engaged to be married later in the summer. Naturally, they fall in love. The story is set in 1985, so for those viewers who feel nostalgic for the '80s, this movie is bound to have a  lot of impact. There's lots of music from the '80s, so you have that to enjoy -- again, if you're nostalgic for the '80s. And Sandler and Barrymore do make a cute couple. This movie is not bad for a lightweight entertainment. (English subtitles are available, as well as closed captions.) Grade: B

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