Monday, January 28, 2013

Star Trek: Season 1

Star Trek: Season 1 (1966) starring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, et. al. The first season of the storied "Star Trek" TV series is interesting to re-experience. It's great to see all the original stars looking so young. This disc includes the episodes "The Man Trap," "Charlie X" and "Where No Man Has Gone Before." The only one I remembered was "Where No Man Has Gone Before," with guest stars Gary Lockwood and Sally Kellerman. It was a pretty good episode, except that like so many "Star Trek" episodes it boils down to a fist-fight in the end. The original film from the series has been lovingly restored and even in some cases improved for the transfer to DVD, and I must say I can find no fault with the job the technicians have done in making the transfer. Seeing this beloved old TV series, created and (in many cases) produced by Gene Roddenberry, was like greeting an old friend again and finding that you still like them, even though their flaws seem magnified with the passage of time. (Closed captions are available for the hearing-impaired.) Grade: A 

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