Monday, December 24, 2012

Little Man Tate

Little Man Tate (1991) starring Jodie Foster, Dianne Wiest, Adam Hann-Byrd, Harry Connick, Jr., David Hyde-Pierce, Debi Mazar. Directed by Jodie Foster. Fred Tate (Hann-Byrd) is a seven-year-old prodigy, but his mother Dede (Foster) lacks the resources -- emotional and intellectual -- to help him realize his potential. He is discovered by the professor (Wiest) who runs a special school for geniuses, but really all Fred wants is to have friends like a normal kid. This movie was Foster's first-time effort as a director, and it shows. The film has a nice feel to it, but it meanders a bit, and the ending seems overly sudden. Still, it's a flick that will stick with me for a while, and I won't soon forget about little man Tate. (Subtitles in English are not offered, but closed captions make up the lack.) Grade: B 

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