Thursday, November 29, 2012

Vincent & Theo

Vincent & Theo (1990) starring Tim Roth, Paul Rhys. Directed by Robert Altman. The relationship between painter Vincent van Gogh (Roth) and his brother Theo (Rhys) is at the center of this biopic. Vincent can't sell any of his paintings (he only sold one during his lifetime), and Theo (who works in an art gallery) can't sell any of Vincent's paintings either. The two brothers both have problems in their relationships with women, and neither is prosperous (Vincent depends on an allowance from Theo for his living). The movie tries to breath life into their relationship, but never quite achieves its aim. They have a symbiotic relationship, that much is clear. But why do they care so much about one another? The film never really shows us what they like about each other, besides the fact that they are brothers. Still, Vincent's art, the greatness we know will be his after his death, makes the movie inherently interesting. (Subtitles for hearing-impaired are available, as well as closed captions.) Grade: B

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