Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Deep Blue Sea

The Deep Blue Sea (2011) starring Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Simon Russell Beale. Hester (Weisz), married to the somewhat older William (Beale), falls in love with a younger man (Hiddleston). But Freddie, the younger man, doesn't love Hester the way that she loves him. Hester has left a stable marriage for an abusive relationship, all in the name of love. The story is set around 1950 in London, so the mores of the time do not take kindly to behavior such as she has indulged in. Plus, the movie takes place in the wake of World War II, and there is the consideration that Freddie fought the Krauts as an RAF pilot -- a fact which he does not hesitate to throw in Hester's face when he wants to make a point in an argument. The way the movie plays it, Freddie is a real prick. In the Extras, the actors make a case for Hester as a real radical, for the times. I can't say that this film didn't have an impact, it did. But if you're looking for a romance with a happy ending, you should look elsewhere; this one is a real downer. The title comes from Hester's insight that she is caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea. (English subtitles are provided, but not closed captions.) Grade: A-

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