Friday, June 29, 2012

Shutter Island

Shutter Island (2010) starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Williams, Emily Mortimer, Max von Sydow. Two U.S. marshals (DiCaprio, Ruffalo) arrive on an island in 1954 to investigate the disappearance of a patient from the hospital for the criminally insane. Gradually, reality shifts, as one of the marshals (DiCaprio) is haunted by memories of past events in World War II and the death of his wife (Williams). By the end of the movie, the big build-up pays off in a wicked twist that, in retrospect, makes perfect sense. I found DiCaprio less than convincing in the lead role, and all the switch-backs in the plot were rather wearying. (Subtitles in English are available, as well as closed captions.) Grade: B-


Dottie said...

Great, but scary movie. Loved DeCaprio, and the plot was great, thought-provoking, a real, but subtle thriller, the kind I like. Would see it again.

Dottie said...

Great, but scary movie. Loved DeCaprio, and the plot was great, thought-provoking, a real, but subtle thriller, the kind I like. Would see it again.