Friday, March 23, 2012

Swept Away

Swept Away (1974) starring Giancarlo Giannini, Mariangela Melato. Directed by Lina Wertmuller. Italian film about the clash between the capitalist class (the rich) and the Communists (the poor). Crew member (Giannini) on a yacht becomes aggravated at a "rich bitch" customer (Melato), then gets shipwrecked with her on a deserted island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Once they are alone together on the island, he establishes his dominance, making her wash his clothes and kiss his hand in exchange for food (he knows how to fish, hunt and make fire). He beats her and forces her to fall in love with him. But when they are rescued, will the old class patterns be re-established? I have to say I found the movie somewhat grating, and I didn't believe the romance for a minute. (This film is in Italian with very good English subtitles.) Grade: B-

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