Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Drive (2011) starring Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Christina Hendricks, Bryan Cranston, Ron Perlman, Albert Brooks. A man named Driver (Gosling) works part-time as a stunt driver for the movies and part-time as a getaway driver and part-time as a mechanic. Irene (Mulligan) is the girl who lives down the hall. They go out on a few dates; then Irene's husband gets out of prison. Soon, gangsters are threatening Irene and her son Benicio, and Driver steps in to help. That's when the excrement hits the fan. There are several gruesome murders in this film, and plenty of blood, so be forewarned. I have a little trouble accepting the slight Gosling as a stone cold killer, but that's part of the role he assumes for this movie. Perlman and Brooks play West Coast gang bosses whom he comes into conflict with, and they are both well acted. The DVD offers good subtitles, but no closed captions. Grade: A-

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