Sunday, November 20, 2011

Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot (1959) starring Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe. After witnessing the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, two musicians (Lemmon, Curtis) go on the lam -- disguised as women. They hop a train for Florida as part of a women's band, of which miss Sugar Kane (Monroe) is a member. Naturally, Lemmon and Curtis, while trying to maintain their mascarade as girls, end up competing for Monroe. This movie was pretty hot stuff back in 1959, with lots of making out and sexual innuendo. There are a lot of double entendres, only a few of which I caught. All in all, this qualifies as a comedy classic, especially the last line. The disc features no English subtitles, but does have closed captions. Grade: A-

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