Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (2011) starring Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Judi Dench, Jamie Bell, Amelia Clarkson, Sally Hawkins. Charlotte Bronte's novel is adapted for the screen once again. I must admit, I haven't read the novel, but I get the sense that only a fragment of it has made it into this movie. As with most books, it would be impossible to contain the whole novel in a two-hour movie. This one concentrates on the years that Jane spends at Thornfield with Mr. Rochester, and the reveal of his ugly secret. I can only say that I wasn't much moved by this adaptation. The "passion" between Jane and Rochester seemed bloodless, and the film was too sketchy to ever capture my interest fully. It's a good movie, not great. The subtitles, in English for the hearing-impaired, are adequate. Grade: B

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