Thursday, August 11, 2011

Divorce, Italian Style

Divorce, Italian Style (1961) starring Marcello Mastroianni. Baron Ferdinando (Mastroianni) fantasizes about different ways his wife could die. He is in love with his niece Angela, although she is out of reach. Ferdinando begins to form a plot in his mind -- if he can get his wife to cheat on him, he can legally kill her in the "heat of passion." Thus he will have accomplished a divorce -- Italian style. Naturally, his plan goes awry. This is a flavorful, hilarious movie, in Italian with English subtitles, that hardly hits a wrong note. Everything works out as it should -- until the twist at the end. Very funny. The subtitles could have been better, and easier to read, but they don't ruin the movie. Grade: B+

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