Monday, June 06, 2011

Scenes from a Marriage

Scenes from a Marriage (1973) starring Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson. Directed by Ingmar Bergman. Happily married couple Marianne (Ullmann) and Johan (Josephson) witness the disintegration of a friend couple's marriage. Then one day Johan announces to Marianne that he has fallen in love with someone else. Through the years, Johan and Marianne fall in and out of love with others, but they keep meeting up with each other, making love and then fighting. Although I had a hard time liking Johan, and couldn't quite see why Marianne kept seeing him, I still felt involved in the movie and in the characters' lives. Originally a six-hour TV miniseries in Sweden, the movie is almost three hours long. Ullmann is dynamite. The film is in Swedish, with English subtitles. Grade: A

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