Saturday, January 22, 2011

Forbidden Planet (DVD)

Forbidden Planet (1956) starring Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen, Robby the Robot. In the 23rd century, an advanced spaceship arrives on Altair IV to investigate the disappearance of a ship that landed there earlier. The commander of the ship (Nielsen) encounters the one survivor of the earlier voyage, Dr. Morbius (Pidgeon), and his daughter Alta (Francis). There are strange forces at work on the planet, and the visiting spacemen must investigate. Morbius reveals that an ancient race known as the Krell once occupied Altair IV, and rose to great heights. But there is also a sinister, invisible monster which stalks the crew of the spaceship. This must have been quite the sensation in 1956, but today it comes off as crude special effects, bogus reasoning and a weak script. Kind of fun to watch, but not a great movie. The subtitles are good. Grade: B-

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