Saturday, December 25, 2010

Let the Right One In (DVD)

Let the Right One In (2008) starring a cast of Swedish actors you've never heard of. Swedish boy named Oskar is bullied at school, forms unlikely friendship with neighbor girl named Eli, who just happens to be a vampire. Will she help him fight the bullies, or will she eat him? It seems clear that Eli really likes Oskar, and will seek her needed food elsewhere. Generally speaking, I don't care for vampire-themed movies, but this one was the rare exception. I felt genuine sympathy for Oskar and Eli, right up until the very end. One funny thing about this movie -- the DVD has available a version dubbed in English, plus English subtitles. By watching the English-dubbed version and reading the English subtitles, one gets a very strange impression of the movie, because the two are comically out of synch. Which is "right"? Beats me. Grade: B+

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