Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Poltergeist (DVD)

Poltergeist (1982) starring Craig T. Nelson, JoBeth Williams, Beatrice Straight, Dominique Dunne, Oliver Robins, Heather O'Rourke. Directed by Tobe Hooper. Produced by Steven Spielberg. Family's placid existence is disturbed when Carol Anne (O'Rourke), the five-year-old daughter, is kidnapped by the "TV people," who only she can see. The climax is foreshadowed early on when the dad (Nelson) learns from his boss that the entire neighborhood was built over a cemetery. Famous tag line, "They're here," is spoken by Carol Anne when the poltergeist, whatever it is, first appears in the TV. The family calls in a team of parapsychologists to try and get Carol Anne back. Then they hire a clairvoyant. This is followed by a lot of hokum, flashing lights and a scary appearance by The Beast. The bottom line is, this movie is just a lot of fun to watch, even when it's being silly. Spielberg's hand is very apparent, for anyone who's familiar with his other films. The disc includes good subtitles. Grade: B+

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