Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pickpocket (DVD)

Pickpocket (1959) starring Martin Lasalle, Marika Green, Kassagi. Directed by Robert Bresson. Poor Frenchman (Lasalle) seeks out a life of crime, finds someone to train him in the tricks of the pickpocket's trade. He practices the art of the filch constantly, even at the expense of his social life -- such as it is. But then he comes under pressure from the police, and goes on the lam. When he returns to Paris, a young woman he knows named Jeanne (Green) has had a child while he was gone. He tries to go straight and take care of Jeanne and the child, but can he do it? The commentary that is included on the DVD makes it clear that many cinema scholars consider this a great and groundbreaking film, and I can't argue with them. It's certainly unique. Unfortunately, the subtitles are not very good -- and the film is in French. Grade: A-

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