Thursday, May 06, 2010

On the Beach (DVD)

On the Beach (1959) starring Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire, Anthony Perkins. Directed by Stanley Kramer. American submarine, captained by Dwight Towers (Peck), docks in Australia in the aftermath of a nuclear war. Australia has been spared from the bombs, but a radioactive cloud is believed to be five months away. Gardner plays Moira, Captain Towers' love interest. Astaire plays Julian, a scientist who wrestles with guilt, and Perkins plays a young Navy lieutenant who's worried about what to do when the end nears. Everyone deals with the end of the world in his or her own way. Some go mad, some turn to religion, some commit suicide. The movie gets a little preachy toward the end, but still puts in a good effort in dealing with a somber subject. No subtitles, but does have closed captions. Grade: B+

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