Saturday, July 10, 2004

Terminator 3 (movie review)

Strictly for hardcore fans of the Terminator movies. This entry is a bit of a departure, yet tries to continue the elements that made the other movies hits. Seeing it on DVD adds the benefits of available subtitles in English so that no dialog is missed, and available commentary tracks by the principal actors that explain how they approached their roles, and why, in some cases, their performances are sub-par. But the actors' performances are really just a sideshow in a Terminator movie. This one follows the tried and true formula of the first two: Cyborgs from the future materialize in balls of fire, walk around naked until they find clothes, then begin an action-packed chase scene that continues pretty much uninterrupted until the end of the movie. Fans of the franchise will get their money's worth. Others should steer clear. Grade: B

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