Saturday, March 10, 2012


Sunrise (1927) starring George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston. Silent film in which married farmer (O'Brien) is tempted by Woman from the City (Livingston). She tries to get him to kill his wife (Gaynor) and move to the city with her. But he can't go through with it, and the movie follows his reconciliation with his wife, until near the end when man and wife are caught in a terrible storm while boating. In this film you can see the elements of modern cinema in early form, and be enabled to witness how a movie without the human voice can still tell an effective story. I don't hold with those who say this is a great movie, however. It was a different experience, but not one I would want to repeat. (No subtitles are needed, since this is a silent film). Grade: B

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