Thursday, December 22, 2011


Speed (1994) starring Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock. Elite Los Angeles Police detective Jack Traven (Reeves) angers a madman (Hopper) who likes to blow things up for ransom. The bad guy has rigged a bus to explode if its speed drops below 50 mph. It falls to Traven to somehow get on the bus and prevent the bomb from going off. Bullock made her breakthrough to stardom as Annie, a passenger on the bus who is pressed into service as the driver when the regular driver gets shot. Incredibly kinetic thriller never lets up for a minute, with nearly constant action from beginning to end. My only quibble is with issues of believability (the bus stays above 50 mph while driving through downtown L.A.), but they won't likely decrease your enjoyment of the movie. Reeves is charismatic in his role and Bullock is her usual appealing self. The subtitles are good, and closed captions are available. Grade: A-

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