Protagonist (2007) by Jessica Yu. Documentary in which Oscar-winning filmmaker Yu explores parallels between human life and the formal dramatic structure of the Greek tragedian Euripides.
If that description makes the movie sound dry or boring, it's really misleading, because this is an interesting study of the lives or four men, all of whom sought control in their life, and at some point had a revelation that showed they were not in control. The men comprise a gay man who tried to deny his gayness by going into the ministry and marrying; a man who thought he had found his path through martial arts, only to realize that his teacher was a bully; a man who became a left-wing terrorist, but repudiated the movement when he saw that those he was involved with were anti-semitic; and a man who turned from a childhood of abuse into a bank robber. There's a lot of talking-heads stuff going on, but I was interested enough to watch it to the end. Grade: B
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